Project Description

At Ganora Farm there are fossil beds dating 240 million years, Bushman etchings and Boer artifacts. Horse-riding, mountain-biking and bird-watching are all possible.
Visit San and Khoi shelters on the farm where rock art dating back to 10 000 years ago can be viewed.
At Ganora we have a variety of fossils, the average age being approximately 240 million years old.The majority are of mammal-like-reptiles.
Note that all archaeological, historical and palaeontological artefacts and sites represent a finite and fragile heritage. They are thus protected by the National Heritage Resources Act and must be treated with respect.
Mountain biking: Looking for a challenge there is a 35km trail as well a shorter trail which follows the 4×4 trail. Be warned that it classifies as a Black Route!!
Watch the Eagles fly above you. To cool off you can swim in the Karoo pools.